Ann Ritmeester Cosmetic Dentistry

Avenue de Tervueren 56
1040 Brussels
Tel: 02 734 01 43

Since 1987 we are a most preferred dental office for Embassies, European Parliament, European Commission, Representatives for the European Union and Multinationals with their supporting offices.
Our vision is: the Client “First”
Our mission is: Passion!
Passion to take care of your and your kids dental needs
Passion in our work to make your smile as beautiful as possible
Passion for pain-free treatments
Passion to use the best materials
Passion to continuously sharpen our skills
Passion to know the newest techniques
Passion to make you and the kids feel at home
We look forward to see you in our dental office and hope you will experience our “Passion!” already at your first visit!
For your convenience we speak English, Dutch, French and German.
Yours faithfully,
Ann Ritmeester
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We make you smile!